Two men sitting in conference talking Two men sitting in conference talking

Inspiration in action

Microsoft partners make amazing things happen. Follow their stories here.

Up and running strong

Asset management start-up Track’em overcame early challenges before being recognized as a leading innovator.

Turning up the heat

Solace IT Solutions helps Garner Foods ship and track over 10 million bottles of hot sauce per year.

Delivering where and when it counts

From using unparalleled technology in unexpected ways to protecting against persistent cyberthreats, partners are working to make the world a better place.

Spotlight: innovation and philanthropy

Check out these blog posts on partners’ digital transformation successes and philanthropic efforts across various industries.

Woman pressing on screen, clicking on shopping icon

The changing retail vertical

Microsoft Corporate VP Gavriella Schuster shows how retailers are revolutionizing the customer experience.

Three children gathered around Microsoft Surface

Literacy for Life: literacy for all

Learn how Microsoft Partner Terawe is using cloud technology to combat illiteracy in the developing world.

Graphic showing football field and stands

Enhancing the football experience

See how the app developed by Microsoft Partner SharpHat has been a game-changer for the Canadian Football League.

graphic showing heart beat on screen

Opportunities in healthcare technology

Gavriella Schuster highlights partners who are using cutting-edge technology services and solutions to make a difference in the world of healthcare.

graphic showing power lighting up buildings

Transforming modern manufacturing

Gavriella Schuster provides a few examples of manufacturers who are embracing digital transformation to revolutionize their verticals.

Scuba diver swimming with fish and coral

eMazzanti: clean-up and conservation

See how this IT consultant and service provider is supporting efforts that have a positive impact on ocean ecosystems.

Microsoft Inspire: the partner event of the year

Great ideas like the ones featured here happen when partners come together. Get the latest news from the conference, review the week’s agenda, and more.